RPT-Pressure & Vacuum Transmitters
Description of Operation
The RPT-1 series are a range of precision 2-wire pressure transmitters. These units are factory calibrated to deliver an output of 4 mA at 0 pressure and 20 mA at full scale.
If necessary, the units can be calibrated in the field.
Pressure ranges are from vacuum (-1 Bar) to 600 Bar.
Description of Controls
Connect as shown below and carefully remove the electrical connector, exposing the controls.
Vr1: Set pressure to 0 Bar. Adjust for a reading of 4 mA.
Turning the control counterclockwise increases the reading and clockwise reduces the reading.
Vr2: Set pressure to full scale. Adjust for a reading of 20 mA.
Turning the control counterclockwise reduces the reading and clockwise increases the reading.
Category: Transmitters